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Out Of The Dark

About Us

We believe the best way to tell you about us is to tell you about the two individuals who own the site, their goals and mission for Out Of The Dark. Their real names and their usernames are Kevin and Neva.

In the beginning Kevin was an amateur computer programmer who began programming in 1983. Later, after losing his Sight in 1992, he went through the process of learning computers from a nonvisual standpoint. He became proficient enough to become a project supervisor in charge of software development for a company whose software was intentionly designed and developed to befriendly to blind and visually impaired users.
During this process he went back to school, primarily as a form of rehabilitation to prove to himself that inspite of the vision loss he could still function on what he considered an acceptable level. He did so, earning a degree in Psychology a subject that had interested him for many years, while minoring in English and did so graduating with honors.
He has helped many visually impaired or blind people with counseling since that time, in addition to assisting with technology and other issues.
After going back to school while earning his degree in psychology he opened his first audio chat site. That was more than 20 years ago, giving Him a great deal of experience and understanding of audio chat communities.

Neva has over 30 years of professional experience in vision rehabilitation and a lifetime of personal experience living with vision loss.
She has worked for the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) since 2008 and is currently overseeing the training and activities of he Fellows & Mentors in the AFB Blind Leaders Development Program.
Neva worked for the State of Texas and Dallas Lighthouse for the Blind, prior to AFB. She is currently serving as Past President of the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER). She was appointed by Governor Greg Abbott to his Task Force on Disaster Issues Affecting People Who Are Elderly and People with Disabilities in Texas.
Neva has a BS in Rehabilitation Science and an MS in Rehabilitation Counseling Psychology from UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. Her expertise in vision rehabilitation, adult learning, and access technology, enable her to add valuable and practical insights in a variety of situations and settings.
Neva is married, with two adult children and four grandchildren. She and her retired Seeing Eye dog Vinny worked together for over eleven years. She loves playing games, knitting , reading and cooking, especially when someone else cleans up the kitchen!

To sum it all up, Kevin's knowledge and experience in technologies, in addition to Psychology and years of experience working with and helping fellow blind or visually impaired individuals, as well as Neva's experience and expertise in vision rehabilitation, adult learning, and access technology, which enables her to greatly contribute to the growth and strength of Out Of The Dark, helps to insure that our members will find Out Of The Dark to be a nice home on the web.
Below are a few stats which you might find of interest:

Over 33 years of combined experience in audio chat!
Over 60 years of combined experience in technologies!
Over 60 years of combined experience in rehabilitation and other assistance to both small and large groups of visually impaired or blind individuals!

With such commitment and passion for what they do, as illustrated above, members of the out of the dark community can rest assured that they will experience a safe, comfortable, and pleasant atmosphere on our site.
