Out Of The Dark

Out Of The Dark Membership Requirements

Thank you for considering Out Of The Dark as your home on the web for audio chat and social networking.


Before registering for Out Of The Dark membership please read the information below and understand that all Out Of The Dark policies and membership requirements have been implemented in an effort to provide a safe and comfortable enviroment with security and protection for our members as well as Out Of The Dark itself.

1.) When registering for membership please understand and remember that your membership registration form must be filled out properly, and with the correct information. For example, in the full name field we expect your real name. Nick names will not be acceptable here. In addition full name means full name. That is first and last at the minimum. First name, or last name only, or any other failure to correctly complete a registration form will result in denial of membership.

Please note that all fields other than phone number are required.

2.) When registering for membership on Out Of The Dark we recommend using your own name as your user name. If you choose to use a nickname please choose your user name carefully because it, or your real name will be the name that you will be known by on the site. If your choice of name is approved, you will use this name and your chosen password,, to log in to the voice chat area of the site.

Please note each of the following requirements, stipulations, or conditions
(a) Because our membership will know you by your username, in an effort to avoid confusion, as well as providing a sense of security for our members, we do not allow members to change their user names. With this in mind, please select your user name with care.
(b) User names may be real names or nick names but, email addresses will not be permitted as user names.
(c) A user name may not be approved because it is already in use, or for reasons of profanity, obscenity, vulgarity, racism, bigotry, it is sexual in nature, or for any other cause which might be deemed inappropriate while participating in activities on our family oriented site.

In addition please be advised that the appropriateness of a user name will be totally and completely subject to the discretion of Out Of The Dark management, and shall not be open for debate.

4. You are required to provide a valid email address when registering for membership on Out Of The Dark. This is not only required for approval for membership but, is also necessary because your notice of membership approval/welcome message will be sent to that email address. In addition, as a member of Out Of The Dark you are agreeing to provide and maintain a valid email address. This email address will be used to notify our members of upcoming changes to our system or site, or for other notices which management has determined are important for all members to be made aware of. You may rest assured that your email address will not be given out to third parties, or to anybody other than Out Of The Dark staff. For more detailed information on this matter please see our privacy policy.
As stated above all members are required to maintain a valid email address in our data base. If a members email address should change at any time, they should inform Out Of The Dark staff through our Out Of The Dark contact link.

Please note that if email is returned to Out Of The Dark as undeliverable three times from any address, it could result in loss of membership.

5.) Please be advised that falsification of any information provided on our registration form will be cause for immediate revocation of membership, and loss of all privileges on the Out Of The Dark chat system. And though any such falsification may go undetected, it may be discovered at a later date, in which case membership revocation and banishment will be swift, permanent and without appeal. The decision is yours to make.

6.) Please be aware that a member may only join Out Of The Dark with one user name. Multiple memberships and multiple names will not be allowed.
As suggested above, members should pick their user name with care. Out Of The Dark will only permit a member to change their user name one time.
A member may request a change of user name by contacting our tech support department via the "Contact" link found on our main page.

7.) Please be advised that one of the primary requirements to maintain membership on Out Of The Dark is participation. Members who do not actively participate in some way on Out Of The Dark during any 90 day period will be subject to having their membership revoked, thereby requiring re-application for membership.

Important Note

Out Of The Dark users will be permitted to reapply for membership a maximum of 2 times. After a user has been removed from our data base 3 times, future membership and use of the Out Of The Dark system will not be permitted.
Remember folks, participation means participation. Simply logging on to Out Of The Dark will not protect membership privileges.

8.) Please be advised that Out Of The Dark reserves the right to deny membership to any individual at any time, and for any reason.