Out Of The Dark

Technical Assistance

Out Of The Dark staff shall attempt to render technical assistance whenever technical assistance is needed by its members as long as that assistance is directly related to the use of Out Of The Dark.
Out Of The Dark staff members shall not be in any way compelled by management to render or attempt to render assistance on any matter which is not directly related to the use of our chat software but, frequently we may assist with other tech support issues if possible.
Out Of The Dark members who accept assistance from others who are not part of the Out Of The Dark technical support team do so at their own risk.

In addition, all technical assistance of any type, whether offered officially or unofficially will take place in, and be restricted and confined to our tech room, the "PC Garage".
Technical support may be requested in person or via the email link found below.
To request technical support in person while on the site speak to Kevin.
or you may request technical support via our contact link on our home page.